Natural Hair Growth Treatment in Delhi


Hair Loss is a common problem among people these days due to stress, environmental factors, and genetics. However there are options available for people that can be used to stimulate hair growth naturally. One of the safest and highly effective treatments includes PRP.

How it works for Hair Growth

This is a 3 part treatment that uses your own blood to stimulate hair growth.

  1. Blood is drawn from your forearm
  2. This is now processed in order to extract platelet rich plasma from the blood. This contains growth factors which help in hair growth
  3. After numbing the area, the PRP serum is injected into the scalp in areas with sparse hair. This causes only minimal pain.

You require 3 sessions of PRP with a gap of 4 weeks in between and follow up sittings every 4-6 months depending on your hair growth.

Recovery Time

There is no downtime associated with PRP. You can continue your day regularly right after treatment.

Do make sure to not wash your hair until 12 hours after the treatment

Who should not get PRP for Hair Growth?

Contraindications for PRP include:

  • If you are on blood thinners
  • If you have any chronic liver or skin disease
  • If you have cancer
  • If you have low platelet count
  • If you have thyroid disease
  • If you are a heavy smoker or drinker

Consult a doctor and provide your complete medical history before you decide to go ahead with the treatment.


  • PRP is a non-invasive procedure whereas Hair Transplant requires surgery
  • PRP has no down time whereas Hair Transplant requires about a week of down time after procedure
  • PRP is painless where as Hair Transplant patients experience post procedure pain
  • PRP in Delhi costs you about ₹10,000-₹15000 per session where as Hair Transplant costs ₹1.5 lakh+ depending on area being treated
  • PRP is suitable for almost everyone whereas Hair Transplant might not be very effective on people who have thin or sparse hair in donor areas



To book a consultation for Hair Growth Treatment, Whatsapp us at +919811221366

Studies that show effectiveness of Hair Growth after this treatment: Platelet-Rich Plasma in Androgenic Alopecia: Myth or an Effective Tool

Check out other treatments available with us here

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